Our Story
It all began with a childhood dream. A young girl with a horse wanting to own her own barn one day. Tiffany grew up in the town of Bellingham, WA and boarded her horse for several years while showing in NW Border Zone. In her late 30’s her dream of owning property and having her horses at home became a reality. The first thing we built on our newly acquired property was a barn! That led to building a small chicken coop, which led to building a much bigger coop for a lot more chickens, which led to building a hog pen to raise pigs, and, well, you get the drift!
Greg grew up in Fairfax, VA and moved to the PNW when he was 15. Never having known horses or farming until he met me! Greg enjoys the quiet, peaceful nature of our property and he is very good at maintaining it. Tractor work, mowing, planting, weeding, scooping manure - he enjoys it all.
We have 3 kids, 2 of which live at home still and 1 is an adult living on his own (it goes fast folks!). We believe raising our kids on our farm is a valuable part of their upbringing. Teaching them life lessons you can only learn on a farm.
We are very grateful to our customers for your support of our small farm. We thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!